
Who We Are

Charis Commitment to Common Identity

Discover the common identity that Charis churches all around the globe share in Christ.

PDF Download: English (Letter), English (A4), Spanish, French

Charis Commitment to Common Mission

Discover the common mission that fuels Charis churches all around the globe.

PDF Download: English (Letter), English (A4), Spanish, French

Charis Charter

Discover who we are, what it means to be a member, and how we are governed.

PDF Download: English (Letter), English (A4), Spanish, French

Global Prayer Walk 2024

Each fall season, Charis members from around the globe gather virtually for a Global Prayer Walk. Starting October 27, 2024, we will journey to the many countries where our movement is seeking to plant churches, train leaders, and bless communities, learn about the unique challenges and opportunities faced by our spiritual family members, and intercede in prayer!

Sign Up:

Sign up to be a part of the 30-day email campaign starting on October 27, 2024. Or you can pray with us using the Full Prayer Guide (English, Spanish, French) or Individual Pages (English, Spanish, French).

Promotional Resources (for Churches):

Screen Graphic: English, Spanish, French

Social Media Graphic: English, Spanish, French

Printable Sample: English, Spanish, French